Wednesday 18 January 2012

Latihan 9

Instruction : Add the numbers below by writing in standard method form.

1.         3 078 324  +  345 007  +  650 000  +  23 067=

2.         6 321 098  +  667 210  +  90 432  +  87 055 +  3 005 442=

3.         689 245  +  845 110 + 765 998  +  1 005 235=

4.         7 996 043  +  420  000 +  1 998  +  9 443  +  864 021=

5.         10 0556  +  540 5113  +  230 056  + 760 000  +  5 608 285=

6.         Azizi has 1 882 marbles and his brother has 567 more than him.How many marbles do they have altogether?

7.         Factory R produced 2 089 bottles of mineral water. Factory S produced  11 850 bottles more than factory R. Find the number of bottles of mineral water produced by factory S.

8.         Table 1 shows the number of paper clips produced by three factories.
Number of paper clips
0.25 million
1.2 million
5.62 million

               Calculate the total number of paper clips produced by three factories.

9.         Find the sum of 4 065 300 +  241 302  +  534 800 =

10.      98  +  765  +  1 876  +  76  265  =

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